Consequences of deforestation

It is well known that natural environments have decreased over the years. The main cause of this is the private property. Nowadays, most of land has an owner. Private property could have two mainly uses: to produce and to live in it. About the first one, we could say that some landlords use land to produce a huge variety of products, such as agriculture, mining, and lots of other extractives activities. This is necessary to keep societies needs satisfied, someone has to produce food, books, cars and every other necessity, but it has another end, which is money. While capitalism grow, more and more land is getting privatised, that means, more and more natural environments are disappearing.

The main problem that brings the increasing privatization of land, is that some enterprises has no problem with destroying natural environments to use them to extract natural resources. Natives forest are decreasing, and with them, the whole of life diversity living inside. Lots of wild animals are not having natural environments to live in. Let's imagine a forest in some part in Asia. Inside of it, there's a huge population of orangutans. Let's imagine now that a big enterprise buys that land, that means that now they could do whatever they want inside that property. If that company wants to deforest every tree,  and use that terrain to build an artificial forest and make profit out of it, they won't have any guilt. There are many examples were that has happened, not only affecting the different animal species around the world but human communities. For example, differents indigenous communities have had problems with this, because from a moment to another, the places where they have traditionally lived, becomes the property of a big company who wants to use those territories at their will.

It is really necessary to knowledge itself to research about the actual situation, have a diagnosis and make visible the whole consequences of this phenomenon. Consciousness it is the only way to change the way things are getting done. So every branch of knowledge should take care of this venture to help the planet. Scientists have to assume the role of superheroes in this context of humankind history. The extraction of natural resources it is not a problem itself, moreover, it is necessary to be done, because society needs it. The problem is the lack of empathy behind this. It has became more important profits than life, than our planet. What I suggest then, is to inform population about which companies are the most harmful for nature. Transparent information it is best way to prevent the excessive damage. At the end, consumers will decide which brand they would buy or not, and if information is transparent  and visible, they could tell which brand is making more damage than others.


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