Human Behaviour

My name is Cristian Miranda. I'm studying sociology at Universidad de Chile. Now I'm in my second year. For me sociology is a science as important as another kinds of sciences like physics, chemistry and biology. Actually, I see it very close to ethology, wich is the field of knowledge related to animal's beheaviour. When I see human beings, I see biological organisms, which have developed really complex beheaviours, and the most fascinating, at least to me, is the social aspects of this animal´s attitudes. Languaje here plays a really important role, it allows to this primate create an abstract reallity which doesn´t exist in the physical world, but only in their minds. Besides, comunication allows human to make more complex ideas. When theese organisms contrasts their ideas and opinions, the could build progressively more elaborate knowledgment.
My interest in this matter is to understand more and more human beahiviour, from really diverse perspectives.


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